15.07.2016 – Ganna Garo participated in social talk-show “Faith. Hope. Love ” on First Channel of Ukraine, the theme of which was the distribution of assets, settlement of property disputes and mediation. Click the link for more details.

03.06.2016 – Ganna Garo made a report on «Mediation in family disputes – the benefits of the parties and lawyers» at the II Annual Forum “Mediation and Law” of Ukrainian Academy of mediation.

25.02.2016 – the interview on the topic “Protection of patients’ rights”, given to TV channel Tonis for the “Social Status” program  by Ganna Garo as an expert, see the program here.

24.11.2015 – Ganna Garo participated as an expert in the TV program “Social status” by channel “Tonis” on “Marriage contract – especially the conclusion,” the program can see at the link.

23.04.2015 – Ganna Garo was interviewed by “RIGHT TV” for the program “Your lawyer: legal advice” on “How to deal with the legacy. How to make a will?», the program can be viewed at the link.

10.09.2014 – Ganna Garo was interviewed by “RIGHT TV” for the program “Your lawyer: legal advice” on “Getting permission to leave the child abroad without the consent of a parent», the program in ukrainian language can be viewed at the link.

12.01.2013 – Ganna Garo recorded in TV program “Actually” about “Mediation and marriage contracts”, the program in ukrainian language can be viewed at the link.
