Ganna Garo

attorney-at-law, mediator, Ph.D.,

Coordinator of the committees of Ukrainian National Bar Association

Chairman of the UNBA Family Law Committee,

lecturer of the Higher School of Advocacy,

best lawyer in the field of family law of AAU in 2017

co-Founder and member of the Board of the Association of Family Mediators of Ukraine,

member of the UNBA Committee on medical and pharmaceutical law and bioethics,

Chairman of the Family Law Committee of the Association of Advocates of Ukraine 2014-2017,

Head of the branch practice of family mediation NGO “NAMU” 2017,

member of the Board of NGO “Center for Family Law Studies” and NGO “Сontemporary Law Studio”.

Credo: Everything is possible.



Attorney-at-law assistant


a participant of the two-day program of the First All-Ukrainian Mediation School and the Summer School of the World Intellectual Property Organization,

author of professional publications in legal publications.


Credo: I want this. So it will be.

Cheremys Alina

Attorney-at-law assistant,

executive director of the public organization “Centre for Family Law Studies” and the public organization “Contemporary Law Studio”,

member of the Coordinator of UNBA Committees team (2019-2023),

secretary of the Youth Committee of the Ukrainian National Bar Association – UNBA NextGen, 2019-2023.



Life credo: What is important is not who you think you are, but who you really are.